Start Earning Money$$ Today! Your key here!
Start Earning Easy Money$$ Today! This is free join! Good pay! Easy job!
If you know our affiliate program?Want to start making an additional income? It's easy when you refer and encourage your friends and family members to buy any mobile phone or electronic products at
What is special in FCT affiliate program?
(1) As long as you post one time, perhaps it will gain money for you forever.
(2) If you monthly investment in little time, perhaps it will makes big money for you.
(3) It is free join, all system is very simple, you can instant check income online.
(1) As long as you post one time, perhaps it will gain money for you forever.
(2) If you monthly investment in little time, perhaps it will makes big money for you.
(3) It is free join, all system is very simple, you can instant check income online.
Start Eaining easy money for now! Get started today in 5 easy steps!
1-Login in your member account or register if you don’t have one, here is the link to register
2-Click on the product you wish to sell or recommand, on top of the product description there is a “Recommend” button, click on it
3-It will take you to a page where you have “Recommend Codes”. On left is what will show on post page, On right is code for had add your recommand link, just copy will done, These codes will show a picture size that you can display on your website, forum or other market place that you can show your potential buyers.
4-Copy and paste the desired html code to where you want to make your sale or show people.
BBS FORUM BLOG or just post on your website anywheare will ok.
5-Once your customer clicks on the link you have created for them and they do end up buying the product and after they paid order, you will automatically get your 5% commission in your Fastcardtech member account. Important is this guy if not like order it, in one months any shopping from us with other items you also can gain 5% commission due to he registed from you!
You can find if have buyer order from your link in your account easy for click “My Recommendation” in your member center or check link by
Open it check you make how much money today.
You will get this order total 5% CASH Commissions! & 50% Order panda points!(100 panda points is 1usd again)
How are commissions calculated?
Please note that the amount that the commission is calculated on does not include the shipping fee.
Here is an example of the commission calculation:
Google G1 479.99$ + (22$ shipping fee) Commision = (479.99*5%) = 23.99$
And 479.99*50%=239 panda points can exchange 2.39$ shopping in our website
So one order you gain 23.99+2.39 USD by one shopping!!
Pay you today
These money will all send to your member center, you can use for shopping our product or ask we send to your account,it not have limited.
(Once money over 100usd you can ask us send money to your account, but transfer fee need you pay it only 3.5%, You can use money for shopping on our website too.)Some website not let us post JSP code on website(most website is ok like BLOG FORUM), So our promotion code for products will not work, Please not worry, this is easy to fix.
You have a personal code !
Here is an example: You can copy code to website show our logo and also you can find code like:
<a href="" target="_blank">
That red part is your personal code. You can use it easy now. Any products link in our website just add ?u=16 will be your recommand code now !
You edit it be:
Now it be your personal recommand code, any where you post will help you get money back.
How let you easy gain money ?You decide how much money you want to make
We don't require that you make a minimum number of sales to be part of our program. Whether your goal is to make a few extra dollars, hundreds, or even thousands of extra dollars each month, your sales goals are entirely up to you!
Free and fast to join
It's completely free to sell our products--no dues, no membership fees, nothing to buy. You simply earn your 5% commission on each sale that is generated by visitors who come to our site as a result of clicking your affiliate link.
What's your job?
Your only job is to promote our products on your Web site, in your ezine,website forum BBS or both. We'll take care of everything else. We will not need communicate with the customer, not need deal with any sell or ship, Just use our resource promote our products. Super easy.we'll answer their questions, we'll fulfill their orders and finalize the sale. You just need do is wait money send to your account.
We don't require that you make a minimum number of sales to be part of our program. Whether your goal is to make a few extra dollars, hundreds, or even thousands of extra dollars each month, your sales goals are entirely up to you!
Free and fast to join
It's completely free to sell our products--no dues, no membership fees, nothing to buy. You simply earn your 5% commission on each sale that is generated by visitors who come to our site as a result of clicking your affiliate link.
What's your job?
Your only job is to promote our products on your Web site, in your ezine,website forum BBS or both. We'll take care of everything else. We will not need communicate with the customer, not need deal with any sell or ship, Just use our resource promote our products. Super easy.we'll answer their questions, we'll fulfill their orders and finalize the sale. You just need do is wait money send to your account.
(All transactions must be in status “shipped” and there must not be complaints filed for replacement or refund requests in 15 days for us to honour your commission.)
This is forever business for you
We will not share or sell the names or email addresses of your customers who purchase our products. This information is safe with us and will be kept in strict confidence. And we won't try to sell them anything else. They're YOUR customers.
Who is our program open to?
Our affiliate program is open to anybody living anywhere in the world, as long as you have Internet access. A commission “pay check” will be sent to you via PayPal on the 15th of each month. If you do not have a paypal account, the amount will be honoured in Fastcardtech
Who is our program open to?
Our affiliate program is open to anybody living anywhere in the world, as long as you have Internet access. A commission “pay check” will be sent to you via PayPal on the 15th of each month. If you do not have a paypal account, the amount will be honoured in Fastcardtech
If need good at computer and web work skill?
Everyone can do this work, even you only know how to visit website, that is enough for do this work. had ready all resource for you, you just need do is copy and paste on ezine,website forum BBS or both.
Everyone can do this work, even you only know how to visit website, that is enough for do this work. had ready all resource for you, you just need do is copy and paste on ezine,website forum BBS or both.
Some TIPS for help you fast gain
After you promoted one time our product on website forum or BBS, Internet will save your info forever, New buyer will visit and click and go our website order too. After they order you will get share. So one time make some new promotion one famous website forum or BBS will help you get more views
Every day fastcardtech are adding new product, We never stop do it. We only sell world newest product. As we know all people want get new and cool product fast than other guy. So more fast promote our new product will help you get easy view and hot order this will help you easy gain more than promote old product.
Fastcardtech always give super discount for some product for promotion sale, these product all is very valuable, Sure these are very easy sold out. If you promote these items will let you get easy gain too.
Once you promote product you best add your comment for this item. Comment and Picture will help you really get more views. Some product fastcardtech have youtube video show for it. You can add video in promote info too. Video+comment+Picture will help you really get super hot view!!
This job will grow auto, once you left promoted info next month still will have buyer come from it. So when you do more long time this work. Your views and buyer will be more and more. Sure your gain will be more and more.
If you have any question please contact US at
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